The story so far

We’re Adrian and Ellie, and back in December 2010 we started making plans to do something different with our lives. We weren’t quite sure what though, but it had to include travel in some form while we figured out what to do next. Eventually we decided to buy a campervan. In January 2011, we bought our red Volkswagen T25 Westfalia high top camper. Being used to tent camping, it seemed very big and red and shiny to us then, and the height of luxury.

Our jobs came to an end around March 2011, and after Ellie embarked on a short interim trip to India, Adrian started making the preparations for the trip. It took a couple of months to clear our house, which we rented out to a friend. We had a lot of stuff (well, Ellie did anyway) and it was hard work and not untraumatic delving into the past and getting rid of vast chunks of it.

If we were worried about such an undertaking, we can’t remember it. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to us – just packing up and heading off, and we haven’t regretted it at all.

After leaving parties and goodbyes, we were finally able to leave on 19 May 2011, and headed to Dover where we simply took the next available ferry to France. On the first part of the trip the road took us down the west coast of France, across northern Spain, and into Portugal. Looking back it was all quite rushed as we flew back to the UK from Lisbon for a few days in early July for a wedding, and then had to be near Orleans in France two weeks later for the World Meeting of 2cv Friends. We then spent slightly longer than intended in France, due to a major breakdown, but are ever grateful to our rescuers, John and Steve Gallimore.

We crossed over into Italy in mid-September, and we were able to slow right down with no firm dates in the diary. By November we reached Sicily where we spent a couple of months, crossing over to Tunisia in mid-January 2012. We were constrained here by our ferry booking – we had allowed two months – and this proved to be the perfect amount of time for us. With Libya and Algeria as neighbours though, we had no choice but to return to Europe where spring enticed us to stay in Sicily for longer than intended before we crossed back to mainland Italy, spending Easter in Puglia region before getting a ferry over to Albania. We then spent most of the rest of the trip in south-eastern Europe and the countries of former Yugoslavia, followed by Romania, and then slowly heading back to the UK via Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic. A last dash saw us visiting friends in Germany and Belgium before catching a ferry from Hoek van Holland to Harwich.

Our way of travel
We chose a smaller campervan for ease of travelling on the smaller roads and back lanes we love so much, for getting lost in narrow cobbled streets with washing hanging down from balconies, and for taking up only a car-length parking space. We may miss out on the creature comforts of the large motorhomes we’ve dubbed ‘fridge-freezers’, and we’re ever grateful to our friends’ hospitality in their sleek vehicles over the winter, but we wouldn’t swap.

While we’re keen to see all the major sights, we also search out the unusual and out-of-the-way places and smaller more likely to be family run, rather than corporate, campsites, and have enjoyed the wild camping we’ve done.

We avoid making plans, preferring the flexibility of staying longer somewhere we like or leaving after half an hour if we don’t. We avoid motorways and don’t use Satnav.  We try to buy locally as far as possible, and especially try to find the local specialities of the regions we travel in. We cherish the people (and cats) we’ve met along the way, and have a special place in the van for them.

Most often we wake up in the morning and have only the vaguest idea where we’ll be that evening. We love the freedom of following wherever the road goes. The journey is no longer ‘our big trip’, but has become our normal way of life.

Returning home
We spent some time on the road in the UK in late 2012 while we tried to figure out what we were going to do next. Not wanting to return to our old lives on the fringes of London, the next logical step for us seemed to be to give country life a try. We spent time deep in the country over the winter, and by May 2013 had found our own country idyll deep in Herefordshire.  We may have hung up our travelling shoes for now, but they’re ready to be dusted off again when circumstances allow and the call of the open road can’t be ignored.

Reading our blog
Some people are brave enough to start reading from the beginning, but you can also pick posts by country or subject category. We are happy to answer questions about the trip and welcome your comments and suggestions. You can contact us directly, or add a comment to a specific post. If you are planning a similar trip, you may find the insights in our FAQs post helpful.

Although we’re no longer travelling, we’ve embarked on a journey of a different kind and will be continuing to post updates about our new life in the country.

Thanks for following us,
Ellie & Adrian

7 Responses to The story so far

  1. naz says:

    first things frist hi
    my name is naz like you i have been over the warter in my campervan and enjoyed it lots when you were in the far out places did you feel safe did you get any bother from locals your trip sounds great i will follow and see were you are agin many thanks be safe keep well

    • AdrianC says:

      Hi, Naz. We didn’t really have any times when we felt unsafe – just about everybody we met was wonderful.

      Glad you’re enjoying the blog – as you’ll find out, we’re fairly static at the moment, but might be heading off again in the spring.

      Adrian & Ellie.

  2. Hi Adrian & Ellie, well what a great journey and a great story ( Maybe even a good book ) just a thought, id buy it,Id just be happy to get my van off my drive and go somewhere anywhere it does’nt need to be to far just a small drive without breaking down and coming home on a truck after only 5 miles,oh well i can dream. thanks for your help with my indicator problem. ill read more soon all the best nostalgic,( vw 80 90 club member)

  3. christiane says:

    hi adrian and ellie,
    on a whim (to escape work, i guess ;o)) i decided to look up some ancient contacts from way back when i was working for penguin readers germany / longman, around the turn of the millennium. i did remember ellie’s name and found your great blog which i’ve been browsing but will surely return to later.
    however, i did spot that you stopped over in duesseldorf where i’ve been living for the past nine years, having become quite settled, i guess!
    so i’ll enjoy reading about your travels even more.
    keep me posted on how life is treating you,
    all the best and take care

  4. christiane says:

    ps: ellie, why have you not aged in the past 12 or so years?
    does travelling keep you forever young? :o)

  5. John & Nancy says:

    We find ourselves coming to your blog rather late, after seeing a link on Club 80-90, but I’m sure we’re going to enjoy starting at the beginning and reading all about your travels.

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